33 “moneyless manifestors” discover hidden backdoor to ethically “loot” the infinite Bank of
the Universe, every 24 hours…
Discover The Fast & Effortless Wealth Attracting $ecret of “The Miracle 33”
Once broke and penniless, this inspirational group (ages 40+) have manifested…
Luxury cars, and houses…
High 6 figure incomes…
Love and romance…
And best of all… cleared away an estimated $459,901+ in debt… all in a matter
of months…
Now… it’s YOUR turn to join them… Starting in just HOURS from now!
Are you “too late?”
Are you past the age when it’s still possible to manifest BIG dreams?
I mean…when you’re bursting with energy in your 20’s and 30’s it’s one thing…
You have your entire life ahead of you–it’s easy to remain upbeat…
But can you really attract “it all”…
All the wealth,
all the success,
and all the love & happiness you desire…
… Even after years of having been through “it all”…
All the hardships… all the struggles… all the “real world” life experiences you’ve endured?
Hi, my name is Alexander Wilson, a manifestation coach with over 108,231 clients around the world, and the author of the international best-seller
“Manifestation Magic.”
And… if you’ve ever secretly felt like it’s impossible for you…
Like your financial burdens… your health issues… all of life’s disappointments….
Have caused you to fall too far behind…
And only an ACTUAL miracle will allow you to catch back up…
Then, I’ve got something to share with you that’s going to change everything for you.
It’s an inspirational story about a remarkable group of miracle workers…
33 ordinary women and men in their 40’s, 50’s, all the way up to age 87…
All doing what we’re all told is “impossible.”
The “Miracle 33” Celebrate Their Breathtaking Wins...
“...Exactly 4 days later i had a job offer... “
- Joann L., Member # 25
“...I experienced an immediate debt cancellation…”
- Moshay, Member # 19
“...great improvements in my health and more energy... I have had more money appearing. More laughs with my husband.;-)”
- Charlotte W., Member # 7
“...I had the most astonishing experience. The very first night, I was able to sleep like a baby in his cradle... and I woke-up without all
the usual tension, like in my jaw, or in my neck, or in my back, or in my hands... that was a real relief..."
- Uta S., Member # 5
“I feel more connected to the universe than ever before ...“
- Uta S., Member # 5
"In just 1 week… I've had a $1,000.00 turn up out of the blue that I wasn't expecting.
- Sarah G., Member # 26
Read on for their secret to become your secret…
33 ordinary women and men in their 40’s, 50’s, all the way up to age 87…
All doing what we’re all told is “impossible.”
Despite their ages…
Often back-breaking debt…
Debilitating health issues…
And devastating life hardships…
Not to mention outside obstacles, like…
Skyrocketing gas prices… housing shortages… and double digit inflation…
This group of late-in-life manifestors are proving…
It’s NEVER too late to manifest your dreams to life.
Because as the rest of the world began melting down…
And millions suddenly fell into lockdown…
Starting right around March of 2020…
That’s when the non-stop run of luck for “The Miracle 33” BEGAN… and it hasn’t slowed down since.
If anything, their success has only sped up.
To date, these “late-in-life bloomers” have manifested miracles in all shapes and forms.
By conservative estimates, these include…
16 new or improved relationships… with soul mates, twin flames, and revived decades-old
25 health recoveries… more energy, better sleep… no more aches and pains…
A whopping 18 new career breakthroughs… higher salaries, big promotions, more positivity &
And maybe most impressive, this breathtaking bunch has cleared away an estimated near half
million in debt… all in a matter of months!
Imagine… credit card balances… medical bills… and decades old student loans… instantly disappearing…
… all the crushing weight vanishing from your shoulders!
Like Moshe, who excitedly wrote to tell me the day after her session…
“...the day after… my $98,000 student loan was forgiven.”
Like Moshe, who excitedly wrote to tell me the day after her session…
“...the day after… my $98,000 student loan was forgiven.”
Nearly $100,000.00 gone in the blink of an eye… all on her first daily haul.
Yes, while most people are falling further and further behind…
It’s like the rules that apply to everyone else don’t exist for this special “thrive tribe.”
They’re now living the life of their dreams… and it feels amazing…
How’s this even possible?
And how can YOU thrive in this day and age…
While everyone else is struggling just to survive?
The secret behind “The Miracle 33” is unlike anything you’ve heard about manifestation.
Imagine… walking through a hidden backdoor into the Bank of the Universe…
And a short time later… strolling out with as much abundance as you can carry!
Then, just repeat as often as once every 24 hours.
All your money worries gone forever.
This is exactly what the Miracle 33 discovered.
And YOU can do it too… no matter your age… no matter your current finances… and even if you're a total manifestation “newbie.”
In fact, if you’ve never heard of the “law of attraction” that’s a good thing–less to “unlearn!” This is the opposite of everything you’ve been taught.
Now, I have to admit it’s not all smooth sailing…
Your first couple of times strolling out of the Bank… you might feel a little “guilty.”
Because it feels almost too easy…
But, after a couple “morning hauls”... you soon realize The Universe WANTS you to receive abundance this easily.
It’s INFINITE, after all.
And it’s just plain “wrong” to live life any other way!
So, if you’re ready to RISE…
Rise above all your limitations…
Rise above all the economic craziness…
Rise above all the obstacles in your way…
And effortlessly RECEIVE the life you deserve…
Then read every single word of this short “tell-all”… as you discover the secret… the same one that turned 33 ordinary women and men… much like you…
into “The Miracle 33.”
It’s no mistake you arrived here today.
The Universe brought you here for a reason.
This is your destiny.
And I promise that by the time you finish this short article, you will have an opportunity to receive instant access to the Bank of the Universe…
Your own direct backdoor… where you walk in… and stroll out… with as much as much as you can carry every single day…
Or more accurately, maybe I should say… every single night.
Imagine… going to bed TONIGHT… and waking-up to your own treasure vault… filled with wealth… happiness… and love beyond your wildest dreams… starting
That’s in just HOURS.
I’ll explain exactly what I mean coming up.
This will shake the foundations of everything you ever thought possible.
First though, to really understand how The Miracle 33 rise above it all, day after day… I need to share maybe the group’s most inspirational success
From its first member…
A very dear friend of mine by the name of Jess.
Now, one thing to know about sweet Jess...
An empath--she’s extremely sensitive to other’s emotions...
She picks-up on EVERYTHING.
When she looks you in the eyes...
And asks how you’re doing...
She isn’t making conversation.
She actuallyWANTS to know.
If you say just “fine”...
Ummm... no. Sorry.
That doesn’t cut it.
Because she senses how you’re really feeling...
Whether you're quietly gloomy...
Feeling left out...
Or maybe underneath a smile, you’re anxious.
She really cares...
And has a way of lifting you out of it.
It’s so nice having a friend like Jess.
She truly is one of the most compassionate souls you’ll ever meet.
And... I’ve gotta say...
If there’s one person who deserves her dreams to come true...
It’s Jess.
Truth was though...
Jess’s dreams weren’t even close to reality.
After marrying her “Prince Charming”... Erik...
Moving into their beautiful “forever home”...
Adopting 2 adorable puppies...
She thought her “fairytale future” had come true.
But, within months...
She noticed her once positive outlook--gone.
Now--she was always exhausted.
Because around the house, she was doing EVERYTHING...
Trying to please Erik...
While he showed no gratitude.
Quickly Erik’s “Charming facade” was melting away.
A controlling... emotionally distant... non-stop drinker.
Jess desperately tried to save the marriage.
She gave and gave and gave...
While he took and took and took...
No appreciation.
It made her feel POWERLESS at home.
And her work life was filled with mini-Erik clones too.
Maybe the worst taker was the fast-talking head of sales, Chad.
He’d always push onto her...
The worst clients...
The most tedious spreadsheet tasks...
Even projects assigned to him.
He’d always say...
“Come on Jess, take one for the team. It’ll only take a few minutes.”
Of course, minutes over and over turns to hours!
And Chad took all the credit.
But, as an empath...
Jess didn’t have the heart to say “no.”
Jess was exhausted. Stressed. Her body--failing.
It was like...
Jess gave and gave...
Others took and took...
And then the emergency room.
Her mom.
Jess rushes over from the office...
And when she gets back...
Somebody "told on her."
Without listening to her side...
Jess was fired.
She later found out the complainer was... Chad.
After all she did for him!
I remember her calling in tears...
Telling me how after she practically ran the place...
Nobody even stuck up for her.
While they should have been celebrating her...
They pretended like she barely existed.
Zero appreciation.
It was around this time the divorce went through.
Now... Jess was left without a job... penniless.
I wanted to help her...
But, there was a problem.
Over the years...
When I'd encourage Jess...
It was like part of her was unable to change.
She'd always say things like...
"I've already tried that, Alex."
"It's worked for me this long..."
Or with a sad expression...
"I don't want to change. I'm okay where I am."
Do you have a friend or family member like that?
Someone who's STUCK... scared of moving on?
I think we all know that person.
And yes... we've all been that person too.
It's so easy to see from the outside how things aren't so rosy.
But, when you're in it... it's so much harder.
So... how can you lift up someone who's stuck?
Well... after all Jess had done for me...
I wasn't going to give up on her.
I became determined to...
Help Jess Manifest Her TRUE Fairytale Happily Ever After!
But how?
Well, I started with a favorite practice.
Something you can use too.
That night I asked the Universe for a sign...
To lead me towards the perfect solution for Jess.
Most of the time "signs" show up when we're awake.
Repeating "angel numbers"...
License plate messages...
Perfectly timed meetings.
But, this time... something unexpected.
The Sign Showed-Up In A Dream!
Much of it... a blur...
But, one detail stood out...
While taking a stroll, a curious flying monkey swung onto my shoulders...
And started singing!
I nearly forgot...
But later that day...
While taking a walk in the woods...
I hear a noise in the distance.
A voice... SINGING.
No... it WASN'T a flying monkey.
Not exactly.
Following the melody out of the woods...
I enter a sunlit meadow...
Where a radiant woman sits.
"Blissed out..."
She's playing a harmonium...
Happily singing...
"Jai sita ram... Jai jai hanuman.
Jai sita ram... Jai jai hanuman."
As she finishes, she looks up...
"Hey, there traveler" she says.
"What brings you here?"
"I was going for a walk when I heard your lovely voice." I tell her.
She introduces herself...
She lives in this beautiful meadow...
In an "off grid" tiny house.
There, she teaches Yoga.
And... NOT the kind you've heard of.
When I say "Yoga"...
I'm not talking about the studio kind.
As I discovered...
She Was a "Dream Yogi."
"What's a "dream yogi?" I remember asking.
She responds...
"You know how you go to bed and wake up with a brilliant idea?"
"Well, there's a reason for that" she says.
"Dreams AREN'T what we've been told.
"They're not figments of an imagination run wild.
"That's a LIE society has told us.
"No"... she says...
"Right now is the dream... our everyday waking reality.
"And... what happens at night when we fall asleep...
What we know as "dreaming"...
"That is the REAL WORLD.
"During this REAL WORLD...
"We can create and manifest ANYTHING we want...
"And do it virtually effortlessly.
"We've had it all backwards this entire time."
I didn't fully grasp what she was saying at first.
"But, then she went on...
"When you're asleep... your conscious mind... your "Ego" flips off.
"There's no filter holding you back.
"And now... you suddenly have access to all parts of your mind.
"The 'all-knowing' parts normally closed off when awake."
In other words, the "Dream version of you is the REAL you...
The FULL you...
Your True Self.
In that moment, all the puzzle pieces fell into place.
By BY-PASSING Jess's conscious "daytime mind"...
We could...
BY-PASS all resistance to change!
Later, I got perfect confirmation...
The song Melanie was singing was to the monkey God, Hanuman.
Just like my dream.
Before I left, Melanie shared with me a simple "Dream Yoga" technique.
The perfect starting off point for Jess.
Something you can try too.
Before bed...take your journal...
Write down one negative BLOCKAGE.
Something you want to overcome.
Around your relationship... your finances... even a health issue.
Writing acts as a communication shortcut.
A way to send an "overnight command" to your subconscious.
Next, before you close your eyes...
Set a POWERFUL intention for the blockage to clear... during the night.
That's it!
As you fall asleep, your FULL mind does all the work...
CLEARING the negative pattern from your life.
I showed this simple "Dream Yoga" method with Jess...
She reluctantly tried it.
And... the very next morning...
Jess had news.
A major realization...
That she needed to love herself more deeply...
And sometimes saying "No" is a courageous act of self-love.
For a "giver" like Jess...
I was so proud of her.
And so INSPIRED... I started practicing dream yoga too.
If this SIMPLE technique could create overnight breakthroughs...
For someone expecting to fail like Jess...
I KNEW it could work for anyone.
So, I dug deeper...
Read ancient texts...
Studied further with Melanie...
Practiced night after night.
My goal: become a master dream yogi.
That's when the Universe arranged the next divine event.
I stumbled upon the most remarkable discovery.
A breakthrough unlike any I'd ever experienced.
Known to "Dream Yogis" for thousands of years...
I uncovered...
A manifestation secret so powerful it was kept secret for over 3,000 years.
First discovered by Himalayan Dream Yogis… master
teachers passed this knowledge on in total secrecy.
Only the most deserving students were chosen to receive this knowledge.
And even then, teachers would only WHISPER the secrets through voice pipes.
So, no one else in the monastery would hear.
Why the extreme secrecy?
Well, the answer was just revealed...
A group of renowned researchers discovered what the Dream Yogis were protecting. A forgotten organ within our bodies… that when activated… unlocks
ANYBODY’S gift of near instant manifestation.
That’s right… the REAL secret to manifesting your desires… was a PART of you this entire time.
And it has nothing to do with endless visualizing… affirmations… meditation and everything else we’re told to do.
The organ is called “the Thalamus”...
And it’s located smack dab in the center of our brains...
Researchers were shocked to find...
The Thalamus can be “Turned on” during a small window during sleep.
Right around 2 A.M.
This period is what I’ve come to call…
"The 2 A.M. Moonlight Manifestation Window."
You see, 1/3 of your life is spent sleeping.
In an average lifetime, that's around 26 years in bed.
No other activity comes close
Of course... not all sleep is the same.
A LOT happens during the night.
You've probably heard of the sleep cycle.
Stage 1: The first 15 minutes, you transition from wakefulness to sleep.
Stage 2: Body temperature drops. Heart rate rises.
REM cycles happen throughout the night for about 10 minutes.
But, towards the end...
Right around 2 A.M...
REM lasts a full 60 minutes.
And it’s during this time portal… when magic can be unleashed.
Follow a 3 second bedtime ritual...
And the Thalamus automatically flips on.
Once activated, a “Sound quieting” chemical floods into your brain…
BLOCKING all outside noise.
We fall into a deeper sleep, while at the same time...
Our brainwaves, blood flow, and heart center suddenly shifts into an active “Waking state.”
Sounds, smells, visuals and sensations flood into your awareness in the form of dreams.
It’s almost like you’re awake... only you’re NOT. This state ONLY happens during the 2 A.M. sleep window.
The ancient Dream Yogis knew this time as a “Bridge where we cross into the TRUE reality”...
The ultimate Dream Yoga state.
They harnessed it to attain enlightenment. And receive powerful insight from the Universe.
But, for ordinary people…
You’ll come to know it as your own personal “Moonlight Manifestation Window.”
Because when you’re in this state…
It’s like your conscious mind is turned off.
And your fears, doubts, and “inner critic”…
Are completely silenced.
And without this noise barrier...
Your subconscious mind is 100% wide-open.
You have full access to your entire mind.
The entire YOU.
Resistance to change DOES NOT EXIST during this window.
And without resistance to change…
Instead of waiting weeks, months, decades for your desire to arrive… now they manifest starting…
This is how it’s SUPPOSED to work.
So, what’s the trick to activate the Thalamus…
And fully harness The Moonlight Manifestation Window?
Well, your first option is meditation.
Meditation practitioners spend years chasing the clear state experienced in the Window.
Most never arrive.
Others turn to Psychedelics... LSD... Mushrooms... Ayahuasca.
But, those are unpredictable. An experienced guide is a must.
That’s why I created a simple 3 second bedtime ritual…
A technique ANYONE can use to activate and harness the Window.
You see… if you’re brand new to my work…
I've created multiple best-selling sound healing programs.
Sound Journey's used by tens of thousands around the world.
So, naturally... after discovering Dream Yoga...
I began wondering if sound healing could enhance the practice.
And what I discovered surpassed my wildest expectation.
I can confidently say this is the greatest breakthrough of my career.
A shortcut to fully harness the Moonlight Manifestation window.
Something I call...
"Vibrational Sound Layering."
Just click play to start the "Sound Journey."
Each second that follows is composed of over...
32 sound frequency layers.
Each one performs a specific task...
And combines into a healing symphony of instant transformation.
Out of these 32, the first 3 layers are most important.
These "Triple Powered" Frequency Bands Are Potent MANIFESTATION ACTIVATORS.
1: The "Deep Sleep" Layer
Unlike Anything You've Experienced From Sound...
These frequencies wash over you as a "sinking through the floor" feeling.
Many people tell me after listening for the first time...
They experience the best night's sleep of their lives.
This layer is the key to unlocking the Moonlight Manifestation Window.
2: "The Storybook Scripting" Layer.
Using carefully chosen hypnotic suggestions...
We'll transmit your desires as a command...
To your FULL subconscious MIND...
And set it into action...
Clearing all negative manifestation blockages.
New positive success beliefs are "scripted in."
Your happily ever after manifests to life...
Starting the very next morning!
3: The Manifestation Acceleration Layer
By harnessing proprietary "quantum field" energetic sound technology...
We solidify your positive intentions...
Deep into your subconscious...
Sending an IMMEDIATE attraction signal out to the Universe.
ALL you desire is automatically pulled towards you...
Like ships in a stormy night towards a lone beacon of light.
Finally... manifestation works on command for YOU too... starting tonight.
Keep in mind...
These are just the first 3 layers.
Out of 32.
But, you can already see how vibrational layering...
Might be the most advanced personal growth technology... EVER.
Deeper sleep... overnight transformation...
Your fairytale happy ending come to life.
In a moment, YOU TOO will give it a try.
But first, I gotta share one last thing about Jess.
When she tried this "Bedtime Ritual"...
Something amazing.
Her transformation went beyond mindset.
And now... all the pieces of her "Happily ever after" manifested to life.
The dream job...
She fell into a "passion career"...
As a private chef.
Now an expert in saying "no" when she felt overextended...
She was attracting the nicest, most generous clients.
Her business quickly grew.
And eventually she bought her dream house...
With a giant garden... and full-sized modern kitchen!
And her love life?
Slowly but surely... her heart was healing...
Then one night she clicked "Play"...
And that's when she saw a VISION in her sleep...
HIM... her soul partner.
The next day she met Patrick.
A great cook in his own right...
They partnered to open an adorable New England bed and breakfast.
They're so perfect together.
And yes... financially THRIVING.
As Jess told me, she used to wonder why manifestation didn't work for her...
Little did she know... the key takes only 3 seconds.
Click "Play." Then sleep!
After witnessing the transformation Jess experienced...
I couldn't help but think...
"Vibrational Layering" could revolutionize the world.
First though, I wanted to see if it would work for others too.
Originally, I planned a big test group.
But then... the Global crisis.
Millions unemployed in a matter of weeks.
And suddenly...
Vibrational Layering was now needed more than ever.
So, I sprung into action...
Recreating my sound journey's...
Focusing them on solving the new major challenge...
Manifesting abundance... NEW INCOME.
And what happened next?
With the divine guidance of the Universe… all word of mouth…
33 regular women and men over age of 40 were led into our first “test group.”
I had big hopes when they joined. Soon though… it became obvious.
We were onto the biggest breakthrough of my career.
Something unlike anything I ever imagined possible…
As miracle after miracle flashed into their lives…
New romances… health breakthroughs…and more money direct from the Bank of the Universe, day after day
In fact, it was only after 1 week when people began buzzing online. And after hundreds of thousands had been pocketed…
This ordinary group of 33…
Became known as “The Miracle 33” within just months.
And here’s the most exciting part…
Now's your turn to receive the same infinite abundance from the Universe.
With your permission, I want you to have my Sound Journey's too.
so you can join this “miracle bunch” for yourself, starting at 2 A.M. TONIGHT…
Experience Moonlight Manifestation Tonight...
When you join us now, you’re receiving...
Today's Limited Time 83% off Sale Price Only: $1,000.00 $222.00$37
Secure Order Form - 100% Protected and Safe
Check out what REAL PEOPLE just like you are saying about Moonlight Manifestation...
…debt to be settled and so the bill went from about $1,200 to $250. So that's like a huge debt cancellation and it happened after listening
about two nights.
- Moshay P.
In just one week of using it, I've had better sleep felt like a much deeper sleep. I've had $1,000 turn out of the blue that I was
- Sarah G
I have more customers and I have my team has expanded.
- Patricia R.
My $98,000 student loan was forgiven. Gratitude.
My experience with moon manifestation [is it] provided almost immediate results, financially, spiritually, emotionally and physical healing. All
these things work in conjunction with my Reiki practice. One testimony of many is that the day after the first session, my $98,000 student loan
forgiven. Gratitude.
- Moshe Z.
The tone and reverberation reached a very deep part of my being, that generating amazing feelings of relief I didn’t even
know I
could achieve!
Abundance Rising REALLY soothed me...I “consciously” enjoyed it, feeling really soothed, safe and relaxed before I fell asleep and then the next
morning I awoke with a much improved version of myself! REALLY LIKE THE DEEP FREQUENCY OF THAT ONE! The tone, the reverberation, reached a very
part of being that generated amazing feelings of relief I didn’t even know I could achieve!
- Terri S.
...I truly feel like I’m not alone with all of this “stuff” going on...
It is easy to use and soothing - a good thing for anybody who is willing to relax and go into the receptive and allowing mode. The voice speaking
very calming and soothing, and the words spoken, the consciousness within the vibration of the words, resonates with me. I truly feel like I'm
alone with all of this "stuff" going on in this reality, and on the planet, that I've had real difficulty navigating through all of my life. So
listening to both of them (both long and short versions) gives me another chance to change tracks and I feel like someone has my back. I believe
that using Moonlight Manifestation regularly will have a lasting good effect on all areas of life.
- Hege U.
I didn’t think it would do anything but even my boss noticed I was calmer at work so it must have worked.
Yes I would recommend. I felt they helped my mood and made me feel more positive and I definitely slept better. I didn’t think it would do
but even my boss noticed I was calmer at work so it must have worked. I need to try the other song journeys now
- Catherine R.
I was able to sleep like a baby in his cradle... and I woke-up without all the usual tension, like in my jaw, or in my neck,
in my back, or in my hands...
...I had the most astonishing experience. The very first night, I was able to sleep like a baby in his cradle... and I woke-up without all the
tension, like in my jaw, or in my neck, or in my back, or in my hands... that was a real relief...
- Uta S.
I feel more connected to the universe than ever before ...
- Thomas W.
Moonlight Manifestation
"Manifest The Life (and The Income) Of Your
Dreams... As You Sleep!"
If you're ready to...
Earn more... live your passion... and manifest the income you deserve...
This Sound Journeying system is for you.
At first glance Moonlight Manifestation... LOOKS extensive...
Totally comprehensive...
Like I've tirelessly worked day and night for months bringing it to life...
Like I've spent over $11,000.00 of my own money on it's development...
Like I've sweated every tiny detail to ensure Moonlight Manifestation works flawlessly...
And well, that's all 100% true!
At the same time...
It's so much easier than it looks.
Simply listen before bed...
Or start the journey as you close your eyes.
ALL the work happens for you... as you sleep.
The program starts with just TWO main Sound Journey's...
Each encoded with 32 levels of Vibrational Layering.
The first is called "Abundance Rising"...
This journey is where we set your "Magic Number"...
The amount of income that changes everything for you.
Simply listen tonight... and watch as your Moonlight Window opens...
And your storybook happy ending is written into your subconscious.
That's all there is to it!
Next, # 2...
The most powerful Vibrational Layering Sound Journey I've ever created.
It's called... The "Divine Block Dissolver."
This is where you set your subconscious to work...
CLEARING all obstacles keeping you from reaching your dream income.
Old fears, limiting beliefs, and traumas HOLDING YOU BACK... disappear.
Each morning you'll wake-up bursting with energy... feeling lighter...
Like a weight has lifted off your shoulders.
All the work is done for you... in your sleep!
In fact...
So much transformative power is packed into these two journey's alone...
They're all you need to manifest your dream income.
And... they're just the beginning of what's to come.
Moonlight Manifestation includes three full sound journey SERIES
# 1:
The Income Manifestation Series
The Abundance Rising and The Divine Block Dissolver are the centerpieces of this series.
PLUS, I've also added 7 more sound journey's that are 100% life-changing.
What normally takes someone a LIFETIME to discover about themselves...
You'll discover literally OVERNIGHT.
It all starts with the nap time sound journey...
"Pure Presence"
In just minutes, you'll upgrade your vibration. When you wake others will feel drawn to your beaming
The "12D Self Activator"
Flip on your UNIQUE energetic signature you were put on this Earth to RADIATE.
Third, get ready to be taken on the ride of your life with...
The "Soul's True Purpose Akashic Journey"
discover your HIGHEST mission--what you were BORN to do--starting overnight.
Past Life Karma Clearing
let go of any generational blocks that keep you from manifesting money. So PROFOUND.
Finally... something really fun...
The "Overnight Signs" journey
Call in signs from the Universe to guide you on any question you ask during sleep.
Plus, there's also the powerful money-boosting...
Quantum Wealth Activation and my Money Blocks DNA Clearing journeys...
Designed to transform at the smallest quantum DNA level.
Yes... Moonlight Manifestation is groundbreaking.
By tapping into the Moonlight Manifestation Window...
You get to experience YEARS... even DECADES of personal growth...
Next, you're receiving...
# 2:
The Unstoppable Motivation Series
Awaken your "Warrior" and "Goddess" inner powers...
To feel your most confident... your most radiant...
Your most unstoppable.
Click play before bed to...
Eliminate procrastination...
Overcome fears...
Achieve "flow state"...
Boost confidence...
Clear blocks to receiving abundance...
Overcome childhood trauma...
Recharge chakra "POWER CENTERS".
Say goodbye to "Self-Sabotage"...
Because all your blockages are about to disappear forever... as you sleep.
# 3:
The Unlock Your Quantum Magic Series
Listen to these sound journey's before bed & unlock enriching new talents...
Supercharge your memory...
Unlock your 3rd eye...
Upgrade speaking skills...
Unleash magnetic writing...
Even jump-start your IQ...
Plus so much more.
It all happens in your sleep.
Moonlight Manifestation is in-depth.
Kind of like receiving 3 income boosting systems-in-one...
To transform EVERY area of your life.
And there's a reason for that...
Originally, I planned to offer Moonlight Manifestation as a big $1,000.00 course.
And $497 was a special member's price.
The real value is closer to $1,000.00.
But, when the crisis hit...
The new focus was on those needing to manifest money.
So, a major price reduction was in order.
Not just 10% off...
Not 50% off...
Not even 70% off would fit the scale of the crisis.
The price I settled on is
BUT, hold on.
Because every dollar counts right now...
For a VERY limited time...
I'm offering a special sale price.
You can receive the entire package for an
additional 83% off... just $1,000.00 $222.00 $37.
(so we're taking out the line, "90% off the original price")
That's like a nice dinner out with a friend...
All to unlock an entire Universe of infinite abundance.
And, I'm just getting started.
After sharing the income series with others...
I was so encouraged by the results...
I kept working on the system day and night.
And as a special reward for joining us today...
I'm DOUBLING the value of Moonlight Manifestation with...
3 Additional Bonus Sound Journeying Series
I could offer these separately...
But in these extraordinary times I want you to have them FREE.
They include...
The Dream Yoga Activation System
Like Melanie explained...
The dream world is actually the REAL world.
And with the "Dream Yoga" sound journey you're going to WAKE-UP during dreamtime.
Imagine a dreamtime...
Where you move, flip, fly and explore as you choose...
Where you receive million dollar business ideas...
Where you connect with friends and family ANYWHERE in the world...
Where you meet the "Soul Partner" of your dreams... in your dreams.
As Melanie says...
The more you expand in your dreamtime...
The more you expand in reality.
The Dream Yoga Activation System includes the "Dream Yoga Made Easy" guidebook.
Inside, are my most empowering dream discoveries, plus...
A reference guide with the meaning of events you experience in dreams.
Next is...
Overnight Hypnotic Healer Series.
Every Moonlight Manifestation sound journey harnesses uniquely tailored hypnotic language...
Words and phrases designed to perfectly communicate with the subconscious mind.
Inside this 6-part Sound Journey series, you'll discover how to speak this "Language of the subconscious."
You can then use your mastery for healing yourself... friends & family...
OR offer these "Subconscious programming sessions" as an extra income source.
Once others SEE your transformation...
They're going to be chasing after you... wanting to know how you did it.
Many practitioners charge upwards of $250.00 for an hourly session. See 1 client per day and that's an extra $1,750.00 per week.
Overnight Health Series
During sleep, your body is hard at work...
Renewing... revitalizing... repairing.
This series helps you...
Awaken your body's natural ability to HEAL during sleep...
Reveal the ROOT cause behind health issues...
Clear stress patterns...
Melt away unwanted weight...
Altogether... it's like you're now receiving
6 sound journeying programs
for the price of just 1... Easily a
$1,000.00 value for only 5-5-5...
$1,000.00 $222.00$37.
So, if you're feeling the call deep inside...
If your intuition is saying YES...
I encourage you to listen to that voice.
Now... I have to admit...
Moonlight Manifestation is NOT for everyone.
Over many years, I've found many people hold a deep sense of unworthiness.
And when it comes to spending money on themselves...
On the future they want to manifest...
They have what I call a "financial set point."
An amount they feel "worthy" spending on themselves.
And the bottom-line is... if you don't feel deserving enough...
If you haven't had that self-love "aha moment" like Jess...
No amount of savings--even $950.00 worth--will make a dime's worth of difference.
I get it. I was once in that place too.
BUT... I've found something amazing happens when you make the switch...
When you decide YES! I am worthy...
YES! I am deserving
The Universe
aligns with your new self-image.
Suddenly... a world of infinite abundance opens to you.
So... tune-in right now.
You have the guiding voice within you.
Listen to that voice.
I invite you to open the doors to the life you deserve.
And YES... you REALLY do deserve it.
When you join us today...
You're IMMEDIATELY receiving the 2 main sound journey's, Abundance Rising and The Divine Block Dissolver...
Along with all 6 complete series... enough to explore for months.
Along with all 6 complete series... enough to explore for months.
In fact, I'm certain...
Over the next year, you're going to experience the greatest personal expansion of your entire life.
PLUS, I've got one more bonus for you...
Now you can listen to your Sound Journey's anytime, anywhere.
I'm including the Moonlight Manifestation "Sweet Dreams" listening app FREE.
Inside, it has EVERYTHING you see on your screen now.
Just click below to let yourself be instantly whisked away to the life of your dreams.
Today's Limited Time 83% off Sale Price Only: $1,000.00 $222.00$37
The Sweet Dreams App is a $120.00 yearly value...
Bringing the package value to over $1,120.00!
And, that's not all.
As a new member to our tribe of nighttime wayshowers, your decision to join is 100% protected with my...
Moonlight Manifestation Risk-Free Guarantee
Simply hit "play" tonight on your Abundance Rising soundscape. Let it help you seal-in the income you want to manifest.
Then, allow the vibrational layering to carry you away into the most restful sleep of your life.
During the 2 A.M. Moonlight Window... your "Magic Number" is synched into your subconscious.
My promise to you is when you wake-up, you'll spring out of bed feeling like a brand new person...
All the doubts have faded away... obstacles gone... you feel happier, like you're on the right track...
For the first time in maybe a long time.
Keep listening with The Divine Block Dissolver Sound Journey...
And watch as your new income snowballs into your life...
All the work is done for you in your sleep.
Moonlight Manifestation MUST be as quick, easy, and simple as I've promised...
Or I INSIST you write me for a full, no questions asked refund of every cent.
You have a full 60-days to put Moonlight Manifestation to the test.
This means your decision to try the program tonight is 100% risk-free.
I invite you to feel for the "BIG YES" from your intuition.
Then, tap the button below this page to be welcomed into the member's area.
When you join us today...
You're receiving the special half-off sale price.
Just be sure you hurry...
This discount is only for a limited time...
To help people get back on their feet.
So, if you're feeling your heart pull you in...
Don't wait. Take the next step.
Now is the time to make sure you receive the absolute lowest price.
Tap the button below to get started.
Experience Moonlight Manifestation Tonight...
When you join us now, you’re receiving...
The Income Manifestation Series...
The Unstoppable Motivation Series...
The Unlock Your Quantum Magic Series...
The Dream Yoga Activation System...
Overnight Hypnotic Healer Series...
The Overnight Health Series...
The Sweet Dreams Listening App...
My 100% risk-free 60-day money back guarantee...
Today's Limited Time 83% off Sale Price Only: $1,000.00 $222.00
Right now...
We're in the midst of a MASS AWAKENING.
Earth's frequencies are speeding up faster than ever before...
Shining light on darkness...
Raising the collective vibration...
Collapsing old control systems...
And now... we've reached a critical tipping point.
There's no more sitting on the sidelines.
We all must make a choice...
Flow With Mother Earth's Changing Tide... And THRIVE....Or Let YourselfBe Pulled Under! Right now...
It's no mistake you've arrived on this page today.
Your soul called you here because you're ready to ride the wave.
Already faster earth frequencies have made manifestation EASIER... FASTER... MORE POWERFUL...
And Moonlight Manifestation is your key to THRIVE in this new reality...
To HARNESS this new high-vibe energy.
While many are struggling with this massive change...
You're going to be among the first to effortlessly ride the wave...
To manifest your dream life... while you dream.
All of the work is DONE FOR YOU.
Your limiting beliefs...
Your old story lines of lack and scarcity...
Your vision of what you're capable of...
Will transform in the easiest way possible... in your sleep!
This will work for you.
It's designed to work for ANYBODY.
Just like it worked for Jess when she was at her lowest.
So... reach out your hand...
And grab onto mine.
Let's go on this adventure together.
Your soul led you here.
Now, it's up to you to take the next step.
Awaken while you sleep with Moonlight Manifestation!
I'm so honored to be your wayshower.
You're going to be among the very first wave...
To harness the new faster earth frequencies to manifest your dream life...
Quicker and easier than ever before.
Your fairytale happy ending is waiting.
Simply follow my lead and let's get started together, hand-in-hand!
Experience Moonlight Manifestation Tonight...
When you join us now, you’re receiving...
The Income Manifestation Series...
The Unstoppable Motivation Series...
The Unlock Your Quantum Magic Series...
The Dream Yoga Activation System...
Overnight Hypnotic Healer Series...
The Overnight Health Series...
The Sweet Dreams Listening App...
My 100% risk-free 60-day money back guarantee...
Today's Limited Time 83% off Sale Price Only: $1,000.00 $222.00
Sleep is SO very important to manifesting your desires.
It raises your vibration...
Heals and regenerates your body and mind...
Inspires new ideas to guide your life...
And when you tap into the 2 A.M. Moonlight Manifestation Window...
With Vibrational Layer sound journeying...
You're able to automatically rewrite your life's old story...
Into the Fairytale happy ending of your dreams!
I invite you to harness the power of sleep like never before.
Tap the button below to join us!
When you stay stuck...
You resist the flow of the Universe...
It's like there's always an event that arrives to shake you out of it.
For Jess... it was her career.
When she didn't adjust subconscious beliefs about saying "no"...
She was fired, unable to pay her bills.
For me... I've had a very similar experience.
At one point, I was even homeless... sleeping on friends' couches...
For other students of mine, it's been a nasty break-up... a bankruptcy... or sickness.
When you doggedly stay in your comfort zone...
When you refuse to grow...
The Universe finds a way to get you to expand.
Well, right now... we've been experiencing this on a global level.
The Universe is trying to wake us up
Millions are going through a major shift in the career...
How they earn a living...
How they move through this world...
If that's you on any level...
Moonlight Manifestation is here to help make everything so easy.
I created this program to help others not just survive during this shake-up...
But THRIVE like never before!
With Moonlight Manifestation lighting the way...
You're going to be on the forefront of this global transition...
You're going to be wayshower...
Leading the way as we move into this new high-vibration earth.
Follow your intuition.
Follow the path you came here to experience.
I invite you to tap on the button below to get started.
Remember... it's 100% risk-free for 60 days.
Experience Moonlight Manifestation Tonight...
When you join us now, you’re receiving...
The Income Manifestation Series...
The Unstoppable Motivation Series...
The Unlock Your Quantum Magic Series...
The Dream Yoga Activation System...
Overnight Hypnotic Healer Series...
The Overnight Health Series...
The Sweet Dreams Listening App...
My 100% risk-free 60-day money back guarantee...
Today's Limited Time 83% off Sale Price Only: $1,000.00 $222.00
Have a question about Moonlight Manifestation?
I’m here to help.
Let me answer some of the common questions I receive...
question #1:
How fast will I see results?
Short answer... you’ ll notice shifts literally overnight.
By tapping into the Moonlight Manifestation Window..
It’s like you’re experiencing months, years, even DECADES of transformation...
In one night.
During your sleep, the conscious or “Ego mind” flips off...
And the window into your subconscious mind spirals wide-open.
No more interference. No more “inner critic.”
Vibrational Layering CLEARS unwanted blockages that have been holding you back...
Things like negative emotions... fear, anxiety, worry...
And all of your manifestation blocks.
You’ll TRUST the Universe more deeply...
You’ll let go of attachments and expectations...
You’ll finally set your manifestations into motion with NOTHING holding you back.
Then... once the blocks are gone--all your positive intentions for your life are “scripted” into your subconscious mind.
Imagine... transforming what might have taken you 10 years to shift with personal growth methods...
I invite you to take advantage of the Moonlight Manifestation Window starting tonight.
Simply tap the button below to join us.
question #2:
I’ve struggled with manifestation in the past... will this really work for me?
The Moonlight Manifestation program allows you to tap into the powerful 2 A.M. manifestation portal...
A magical time when your Ego is turned off... and your subconscious is wide-open.
Many spend decades with meditation to reach the state.
Others fly off to the Amazon Jungle for a brief glimpse of this experience... using sacred plant medicines.
Now though... you can reach this altered transformation state every single night.
It’s safe... it’s fun... and it’s extremely FAST.
Anybody can do this.
Whenever I share it with others, they always experience phenomenal results.
While other programs work with the conscious mind turned on...
They always run into resistance.
With Moonlight Manifestation... all the resistance is gone.
All the obstacles that have held you back in the past disappear.
You’re by-passing the thinking mind.
That’s how I know with 100% confidence Moonlight Manifestation WILL work for you like it has for so many others.
question #3:
I’ve been laid off during the global crisis... or I’ve had it with my existing job. Will Moonlight Manifestation
help me manifest a new, higher paying career or income streams?
YES... absolutely.
When the global crisis hit and millions were either laid off, had their hours cut, or were forced to go to a job they hated...
I decided to switch gears.
I re-designed the program to focus on helping people BOUNCE BACK even BETTER than before.
The main two tracks... “Abundance Rising” and “The Divine Block Dissolver” are all you need to blast past your old financial set
And start manifesting more income into your life.
Plus, you’re also receiving DOZENS more sound journey’s that help you expand and grow your income even more.
Maybe the most powerful is the “Soul’s True Purpose Akashic Journey.”
Just listen before bed or as you’re going to sleep...
And you’ll harness the Moonlight Manifestation Window to tap into your soul’s wisdom to discover...
Your MISSION or PURPOSE for why you incarnated here on earth.
When I used this method for the first time, it was a HUGE eye-opener. It changed the course of my entire life.
It’s what led me here today.
I have no doubt you’ll have the same kind of realization about your life’s purpose too.
Simply tap below to be whisked away into the members area.
You can experience it all starting tonight!
And remember... it’s 100% risk-free for 60-days with my money-back guarantee.
So, you have a full two months to give all of the Sound Journey’s a try!
question #4:
How frequently do I need to listen to the Sound Journey’s?
The two main income manifesting Sound Journey’s... Abundance Rising and The Divine Block Dissolver will work on your very first
So, you’ll start seeing and feeling results RIGHT AWAY.
The Abundance Rising track is where you’ll set your “magic number”... the dream income you want to manifest.
Listen once your first night.
Then, listen to The Divine Block Dissolver nightly for your first month.
Each night you’ll clear all blocks in the way of manifesting your magic number, one-by-one.
Each of the other Sound Journey’s are optional based on what you feel drawn to.
Because all of the Sound Journey’s use Vibrational Layering technology, you’ll receive BIG transformation... overnight.
What would have normally taken you 10 years to shift... transforms in hours!
I’m so excited to have you with us. I invite you to tap the button below.
When you get started, I’m also including a quick-start guide.
It’s chock-full of tips and tricks to get the most from Moonlight Manifestation.
You really can experience your first big shift starting tonight.
Jump-in 100% risk-free for 60-days.
This is going to be a LOT of fun!
Experience Moonlight Manifestation Tonight...
When you join us now, you’re receiving...
The Income Manifestation Series...
The Unstoppable Motivation Series...
The Unlock Your Quantum Magic Series...
The Dream Yoga Activation System...
Overnight Hypnotic Healer Series...
The Overnight Health Series...
The Sweet Dreams Listening App...
My 100% risk-free 60-day money back guarantee...
Today's Limited Time 83% off Sale Price Only: $1,000.00 $222.00
Now, one thing to know about sweet Jess...
An empath--she’s extremely sensitive to other’s emotions...
She picks-up on EVERYTHING.
When she looks you in the eyes...
And asks how you’re doing...
She isn’t making conversation.
She actuallyWANTS to know.
If you say just “fine”...
Ummm... no. Sorry.
That doesn’t cut it.
Because she senses how you’re really feeling...
Whether you're quietly gloomy...
Feeling left out...
Or maybe underneath a smile, you’re anxious.
She really cares...
And has a way of lifting you out of it.
It’s so nice having a friend like Jess.
She truly is one of the most compassionate souls you’ll ever meet.
And... I’ve gotta say...
If there’s one person who deserves her dreams to come true...
It’s Jess.
Truth was though...
Jess’s dreams weren’t even close to reality.
After marrying her “Prince Charming”... Erik...
Moving into their beautiful “forever home”...
Adopting 2 adorable puppies...
She thought her “fairytale future” had come true.
But, within months...
She noticed her once positive outlook--gone.
Now--she was always exhausted.
Because around the house, she was doing EVERYTHING...
Trying to please Erik...
While he showed no gratitude.
Quickly Erik’s “Charming facade” was melting away.
A controlling... emotionally distant... non-stop drinker.
Jess desperately tried to save the marriage.
She gave and gave and gave...
While he took and took and took...
No appreciation.
It made her feel POWERLESS at home.
And her work life was filled with mini-Erik clones too.
Maybe the worst taker was the fast-talking head of sales, Chad.
He’d always push onto her...
The worst clients...
The most tedious spreadsheet tasks...
Even projects assigned to him.
He’d always say...
“Come on Jess, take one for the team. It’ll only take a few minutes.”
Of course, minutes over and over turns to hours!
And Chad took all the credit.
But, as an empath...
Jess didn’t have the heart to say “no.”
Jess was exhausted. Stressed. Her body--failing.
It was like...
Jess gave and gave...
Others took and took...
And then the emergency room.
Her mom.
Jess rushes over from the office...
And when she gets back...
Somebody "told on her."
Without listening to her side...
Jess was fired.
She later found out the complainer was... Chad.
After all she did for him!
I remember her calling in tears...
Telling me how after she practically ran the place...
Nobody even stuck up for her.
While they should have been celebrating her...
They pretended like she barely existed.
Zero appreciation.
It was around this time the divorce went through.
Now... Jess was left without a job... penniless.
I wanted to help her...
But, there was a problem.
Over the years...
When I'd encourage Jess...
It was like part of her was unable to change.
She'd always say things like...
"I've already tried that, Alex."
"It's worked for me this long..."
Or with a sad expression...
"I don't want to change. I'm okay where I am."
Do you have a friend or family member like that?
Someone who's STUCK... scared of moving on?
I think we all know that person.
And yes... we've all been that person too.
It's so easy to see from the outside how things aren't so rosy.
But, when you're in it... it's so much harder.
So... how can you lift up someone who's stuck?
Well... after all Jess had done for me...
I wasn't going to give up on her.
I became determined to...
Help Jess Manifest Her TRUE Fairytale Happily Ever After!
But how?
Well, I started with a favorite practice.
Something you can use too.
That night I asked the Universe for a sign...
To lead me towards the perfect solution for Jess.
Most of the time "signs" show up when we're awake.
Repeating "angel numbers"...
License plate messages...
Perfectly timed meetings.
But, this time... something unexpected.
The Sign Showed-Up In A Dream!
Much of it... a blur...
But, one detail stood out...
While taking a stroll, a curious flying monkey swung onto my shoulders...
And started singing!
I nearly forgot...
But later that day...
While taking a walk in the woods...
I hear a noise in the distance.
A voice... SINGING.
No... it WASN'T a flying monkey.
Not exactly.
Following the melody out of the woods...
I enter a sunlit meadow...
Where a radiant woman sits.
"Blissed out..."
She's playing a harmonium...
Happily singing...
"Jai sita ram... Jai jai hanuman.
Jai sita ram... Jai jai hanuman."
As she finishes, she looks up...
"Hey, there traveler" she says.
"What brings you here?"
"I was going for a walk when I heard your lovely voice." I tell her.
She introduces herself...
She lives in this beautiful meadow...
In an "off grid" tiny house.
There, she teaches Yoga.
And... NOT the kind you've heard of.
When I say "Yoga"...
I'm not talking about the studio kind.
As I discovered...
She Was a "Dream Yogi."
"What's a "dream yogi?" I remember asking.
She responds...
"You know how you go to bed and wake up with a brilliant idea?"
"Well, there's a reason for that" she says.
"Dreams AREN'T what we've been told.
"They're not figments of an imagination run wild.
"That's a LIE society has told us.
"No"... she says...
"Right now is the dream... our everyday waking reality.
"And... what happens at night when we fall asleep...
What we know as "dreaming"...
"That is the REAL WORLD.
"During this REAL WORLD...
"We can create and manifest ANYTHING we want...
"And do it virtually effortlessly.
"We've had it all backwards this entire time."
I didn't fully grasp what she was saying at first.
"But, then she went on...
"When you're asleep... your conscious mind... your "Ego" flips off.
"There's no filter holding you back.
"And now... you suddenly have access to all parts of your mind.
"The 'all-knowing' parts normally closed off when awake."
In other words, the "Dream version of you is the REAL you...
The FULL you...
Your True Self.
In that moment, all the puzzle pieces fell into place.
By BY-PASSING Jess's conscious "daytime mind"...
We could...
BY-PASS all resistance to change!
Later, I got perfect confirmation...
The song Melanie was singing was to the monkey God, Hanuman.
Just like my dream.
Before I left, Melanie shared with me a simple "Dream Yoga" technique.
The perfect starting off point for Jess.
Something you can try too.
Before bed...take your journal...
Write down one negative BLOCKAGE.
Something you want to overcome.
Around your relationship... your finances... even a health issue.
Writing acts as a communication shortcut.
A way to send an "overnight command" to your subconscious.
Next, before you close your eyes...
Set a POWERFUL intention for the blockage to clear... during the night.
That's it!
As you fall asleep, your FULL mind does all the work...
CLEARING the negative pattern from your life.
I showed this simple "Dream Yoga" method with Jess...
She reluctantly tried it.
And... the very next morning...
Jess had news.
A major realization...
That she needed to love herself more deeply...
And sometimes saying "No" is a courageous act of self-love.
For a "giver" like Jess...
I was so proud of her.
And so INSPIRED... I started practicing dream yoga too.
If this SIMPLE technique could create overnight breakthroughs...
For someone expecting to fail like Jess...
I KNEW it could work for anyone.
So, I dug deeper...
Read ancient texts...
Studied further with Melanie...
Practiced night after night.
My goal: become a master dream yogi.
That's when the Universe arranged the next divine event.
I stumbled upon the most remarkable discovery.
A breakthrough unlike any I'd ever experienced.
Known to "Dream Yogis" for thousands of years...
I uncovered...
A manifestation secret so powerful it was kept secret for over 3,000 years.
First discovered by Himalayan Dream Yogis… master teachers passed
this knowledge on in total secrecy.
Only the most deserving students were chosen to receive this knowledge.
And even then, teachers would only WHISPER the secrets through voice pipes.
So, no one else in the monastery would hear.
Why the extreme secrecy?
Well, the answer was just revealed...
A group of renowned researchers discovered what the Dream Yogis were protecting.
A forgotten organ within our bodies… that when activated… unlocks ANYBODY’S gift of near instant manifestation.
That’s right… the REAL secret to manifesting your desires… was a PART of you this entire time.
And it has nothing to do with endless visualizing… affirmations… meditation and everything else we’re told to do.
The organ is called “the Thalamus”...
And it’s located smack dab in the center of our brains...
Researchers were shocked to find...
The Thalamus can be “Turned on” during a small window during sleep.
Right around 2 A.M.
This period is what I’ve come to call…
"The 2 A.M. Moonlight Manifestation Window."
You see, 1/3 of your life is spent sleeping.
In an average lifetime, that's around 26 years in bed.
No other activity comes close
Of course... not all sleep is the same.
A LOT happens during the night.
You've probably heard of the sleep cycle.
Stage 1: The first 15 minutes, you transition from wakefulness to sleep.
Stage 2: Body temperature drops. Heart rate rises.
REM cycles happen throughout the night for about 10 minutes.
But, towards the end...
Right around 2 A.M...
REM lasts a full 60 minutes.
And it’s during this time portal… when magic can be unleashed.
Follow a 3 second bedtime ritual...
And the Thalamus automatically flips on.
Once activated, a “Sound quieting” chemical floods into your brain…
BLOCKING all outside noise.
We fall into a deeper sleep, while at the same time...
Our brainwaves, blood flow, and heart center suddenly shifts into an active “Waking state.”
Sounds, smells, visuals and sensations flood into your awareness in the form of dreams.
It’s almost like you’re awake... only you’re NOT. This state ONLY happens during the 2 A.M. sleep window.
The ancient Dream Yogis knew this time as a “Bridge where we cross into the TRUE reality”...
The ultimate Dream Yoga state.
They harnessed it to attain enlightenment. And receive powerful insight from the Universe.
But, for ordinary people…
You’ll come to know it as your own personal “Moonlight Manifestation Window.”
Because when you’re in this state…
It’s like your conscious mind is turned off.
And your fears, doubts, and “inner critic”…
Are completely silenced.
And without this noise barrier...
Your subconscious mind is 100% wide-open.
You have full access to your entire mind.
The entire YOU.
Resistance to change DOES NOT EXIST during this window.
And without resistance to change…
Instead of waiting weeks, months, decades for your desire to arrive… now they manifest starting…
This is how it’s SUPPOSED to work.
So, what’s the trick to activate the Thalamus…
And fully harness The Moonlight Manifestation Window?
Well, your first option is meditation.
Meditation practitioners spend years chasing the clear state experienced in the Window.
Most never arrive.
Others turn to Psychedelics... LSD... Mushrooms... Ayahuasca.
But, those are unpredictable. An experienced guide is a must.
That’s why I created a simple 3 second bedtime ritual…
A technique ANYONE can use to activate and harness the Window.
You see… if you’re brand new to my work…
I've created multiple best-selling sound healing programs.
Sound Journey's used by tens of thousands around the world.
So, naturally... after discovering Dream Yoga...
I began wondering if sound healing could enhance the practice.
And what I discovered surpassed my wildest expectation.
I can confidently say this is the greatest breakthrough of my career.
A shortcut to fully harness the Moonlight Manifestation window.
Something I call...
"Vibrational Sound Layering."
Just click play to start the "Sound Journey."
Each second that follows is composed of over...
32 sound frequency layers.
Each one performs a specific task...
And combines into a healing symphony of instant transformation.
Out of these 32, the first 3 layers are most important.
These "Triple Powered" Frequency Bands Are Potent MANIFESTATION ACTIVATORS.
1: The "Deep Sleep" Layer
Unlike Anything You've Experienced From Sound...
These frequencies wash over you as a "sinking through the floor" feeling.
Many people tell me after listening for the first time...
They experience the best night's sleep of their lives.
This layer is the key to unlocking the Moonlight Manifestation Window.
2: "The Storybook Scripting" Layer.
Using carefully chosen hypnotic suggestions...
We'll transmit your desires as a command...
To your FULL subconscious MIND...
And set it into action...
Clearing all negative manifestation blockages.
New positive success beliefs are "scripted in."
Your happily ever after manifests to life...
Starting the very next morning!
3: The Manifestation Acceleration Layer
By harnessing proprietary "quantum field" energetic sound technology...
We solidify your positive intentions...
Deep into your subconscious...
Sending an IMMEDIATE attraction signal out to the Universe.
ALL you desire is automatically pulled towards you...
Like ships in a stormy night towards a lone beacon of light.
Finally... manifestation works on command for YOU too... starting tonight.
Keep in mind...
These are just the first 3 layers.
Out of 32.
But, you can already see how vibrational layering...
Might be the most advanced personal growth technology... EVER.
Deeper sleep... overnight transformation...
Your fairytale happy ending come to life.
In a moment, YOU TOO will give it a try.
But first, I gotta share one last thing about Jess.
When she tried this "Bedtime Ritual"...
Something amazing.
Her transformation went beyond mindset.
And now... all the pieces of her "Happily ever after" manifested to life.
The dream job...
She fell into a "passion career"...
As a private chef.
Now an expert in saying "no" when she felt overextended...
She was attracting the nicest, most generous clients.
Her business quickly grew.
And eventually she bought her dream house...
With a giant garden... and full-sized modern kitchen!
And her love life?
Slowly but surely... her heart was healing...
Then one night she clicked "Play"...
And that's when she saw a VISION in her sleep...
HIM... her soul partner.
The next day she met Patrick.
A great cook in his own right...
They partnered to open an adorable New England bed and breakfast.
They're so perfect together.
And yes... financially THRIVING.
As Jess told me, she used to wonder why manifestation didn't work for her...
Little did she know... the key takes only 3 seconds.
Click "Play." Then sleep!
After witnessing the transformation Jess experienced...
I couldn't help but think...
"Vibrational Layering" could revolutionize the world.
First though, I wanted to see if it would work for others too.
Originally, I planned a big test group.
But then... the Global crisis.
Millions unemployed in a matter of weeks.
And suddenly...
Vibrational Layering was now needed more than ever.
So, I sprung into action...
Recreating my sound journey's...
Focusing them on solving the new major challenge...
Manifesting abundance... NEW INCOME.
And what happened next?
With the divine guidance of the Universe… all word of mouth…
33 regular women and men over age of 40 were led into our first “test group.”
I had big hopes when they joined. Soon though… it became obvious.
We were onto the biggest breakthrough of my career.
Something unlike anything I ever imagined possible…
As miracle after miracle flashed into their lives…
New romances… health breakthroughs…and more money direct from the Bank of the Universe, day after day
In fact, it was only after 1 week when people began buzzing online. And after hundreds of thousands had been pocketed…
This ordinary group of 33…
Became known as “The Miracle 33” within just months.
And here’s the most exciting part…
Now's your turn to receive the same infinite abundance from the Universe.
With your permission, I want you to have my Sound Journey's too.
so you can join this “miracle bunch” for yourself, starting at 2 A.M. TONIGHT…
Experience Moonlight Manifestation Tonight...
When you join us now, you’re receiving...
Today's Limited Time 83% off Sale Price Only: $1,000.00 $222.00$37
Secure Order Form - 100% Protected and Safe
Check out what REAL PEOPLE just like you are saying about Moonlight Manifestation...
…debt to be settled and so the bill went from about $1,200 to $250. So that's like a huge debt cancellation and it happened after listening
about two nights.
- Moshay P.
In just one week of using it, I've had better sleep felt like a much deeper sleep. I've had $1,000 turn out of the blue that I was
- Sarah G
I have more customers and I have my team has expanded.
- Patricia R.
My $98,000 student loan was forgiven. Gratitude.
My experience with moon manifestation [is it] provided almost immediate results, financially, spiritually, emotionally and physical healing. All
these things work in conjunction with my Reiki practice. One testimony of many is that the day after the first session, my $98,000 student loan
forgiven. Gratitude.
- Moshe Z.
The tone and reverberation reached a very deep part of my being, that generating amazing feelings of relief I didn’t even
know I
could achieve!
Abundance Rising REALLY soothed me...I “consciously” enjoyed it, feeling really soothed, safe and relaxed before I fell asleep and then the next
morning I awoke with a much improved version of myself! REALLY LIKE THE DEEP FREQUENCY OF THAT ONE! The tone, the reverberation, reached a very
part of being that generated amazing feelings of relief I didn’t even know I could achieve!
- Terri S.
...I truly feel like I’m not alone with all of this “stuff” going on...
It is easy to use and soothing - a good thing for anybody who is willing to relax and go into the receptive and allowing mode. The voice speaking
very calming and soothing, and the words spoken, the consciousness within the vibration of the words, resonates with me. I truly feel like I'm
alone with all of this "stuff" going on in this reality, and on the planet, that I've had real difficulty navigating through all of my life. So
listening to both of them (both long and short versions) gives me another chance to change tracks and I feel like someone has my back. I believe
that using Moonlight Manifestation regularly will have a lasting good effect on all areas of life.
- Hege U.
I didn’t think it would do anything but even my boss noticed I was calmer at work so it must have worked.
Yes I would recommend. I felt they helped my mood and made me feel more positive and I definitely slept better. I didn’t think it would do
but even my boss noticed I was calmer at work so it must have worked. I need to try the other song journeys now
- Catherine R.
I was able to sleep like a baby in his cradle... and I woke-up without all the usual tension, like in my jaw, or in my neck,
in my back, or in my hands...
...I had the most astonishing experience. The very first night, I was able to sleep like a baby in his cradle... and I woke-up without all the
tension, like in my jaw, or in my neck, or in my back, or in my hands... that was a real relief...
- Uta S.
I feel more connected to the universe than ever before ...
- Thomas W.
Moonlight Manifestation
"Manifest The Life (and The Income) Of Your
Dreams... As You Sleep!"
If you're ready to...
Earn more... live your passion... and manifest the income you deserve...
This Sound Journeying system is for you.
At first glance Moonlight Manifestation... LOOKS extensive...
Totally comprehensive...
Like I've tirelessly worked day and night for months bringing it to life...
Like I've spent over $11,000.00 of my own money on it's development...
Like I've sweated every tiny detail to ensure Moonlight Manifestation works flawlessly...
And well, that's all 100% true!
At the same time...
It's so much easier than it looks.
Simply listen before bed...
Or start the journey as you close your eyes.
ALL the work happens for you... as you sleep.
The program starts with just TWO main Sound Journey's...
Each encoded with 32 levels of Vibrational Layering.
The first is called "Abundance Rising"...
This journey is where we set your "Magic Number"...
The amount of income that changes everything for you.
Simply listen tonight... and watch as your Moonlight Window opens...
And your storybook happy ending is written into your subconscious.
That's all there is to it!
Next, # 2...
The most powerful Vibrational Layering Sound Journey I've ever created.
It's called... The "Divine Block Dissolver."
This is where you set your subconscious to work...
CLEARING all obstacles keeping you from reaching your dream income.
Old fears, limiting beliefs, and traumas HOLDING YOU BACK... disappear.
Each morning you'll wake-up bursting with energy... feeling lighter...
Like a weight has lifted off your shoulders.
All the work is done for you... in your sleep!
In fact...
So much transformative power is packed into these two journey's alone...
They're all you need to manifest your dream income.
And... they're just the beginning of what's to come.
Moonlight Manifestation includes three full sound journey SERIES
# 1:
The Income Manifestation Series
The Abundance Rising and The Divine Block Dissolver are the centerpieces of this series.
PLUS, I've also added 7 more sound journey's that are 100% life-changing.
What normally takes someone a LIFETIME to discover about themselves...
You'll discover literally OVERNIGHT.
It all starts with the nap time sound journey...
"Pure Presence"
In just minutes, you'll upgrade your vibration. When you wake others will feel drawn to your beaming
The "12D Self Activator"
Flip on your UNIQUE energetic signature you were put on this Earth to RADIATE.
Third, get ready to be taken on the ride of your life with...
The "Soul's True Purpose Akashic Journey"
discover your HIGHEST mission--what you were BORN to do--starting overnight.
Past Life Karma Clearing
let go of any generational blocks that keep you from manifesting money. So PROFOUND.
Finally... something really fun...
The "Overnight Signs" journey
Call in signs from the Universe to guide you on any question you ask during sleep.
Plus, there's also the powerful money-boosting...
Quantum Wealth Activation and my Money Blocks DNA Clearing journeys...
Designed to transform at the smallest quantum DNA level.
Yes... Moonlight Manifestation is groundbreaking.
By tapping into the Moonlight Manifestation Window...
You get to experience YEARS... even DECADES of personal growth...
Next, you're receiving...
# 2:
The Unstoppable Motivation Series
Awaken your "Warrior" and "Goddess" inner powers...
To feel your most confident... your most radiant...
Your most unstoppable.
Click play before bed to...
Eliminate procrastination...
Overcome fears...
Achieve "flow state"...
Boost confidence...
Clear blocks to receiving abundance...
Overcome childhood trauma...
Recharge chakra "POWER CENTERS".
Say goodbye to "Self-Sabotage"...
Because all your blockages are about to disappear forever... as you sleep.
# 3:
The Unlock Your Quantum Magic Series
Listen to these sound journey's before bed & unlock enriching new talents...
Supercharge your memory...
Unlock your 3rd eye...
Upgrade speaking skills...
Unleash magnetic writing...
Even jump-start your IQ...
Plus so much more.
It all happens in your sleep.
Moonlight Manifestation is in-depth.
Kind of like receiving 3 income boosting systems-in-one...
To transform EVERY area of your life.
And there's a reason for that...
Originally, I planned to offer Moonlight Manifestation as a big $1,000.00 course.
And $497 was a special member's price.
The real value is closer to $1,000.00.
But, when the crisis hit...
The new focus was on those needing to manifest money.
So, a major price reduction was in order.
Not just 10% off...
Not 50% off...
Not even 70% off would fit the scale of the crisis.
The price I settled on is
BUT, hold on.
Because every dollar counts right now...
For a VERY limited time...
I'm offering a special sale price.
You can receive the entire package for an
additional 83% off... just $1,000.00 $222.00 $37.
(so we're taking out the line, "90% off the original price")
That's like a nice dinner out with a friend...
All to unlock an entire Universe of infinite abundance.
And, I'm just getting started.
After sharing the income series with others...
I was so encouraged by the results...
I kept working on the system day and night.
And as a special reward for joining us today...
I'm DOUBLING the value of Moonlight Manifestation with...
3 Additional Bonus Sound Journeying Series
I could offer these separately...
But in these extraordinary times I want you to have them FREE.
They include...
The Dream Yoga Activation System
Like Melanie explained...
The dream world is actually the REAL world.
And with the "Dream Yoga" sound journey you're going to WAKE-UP during dreamtime.
Imagine a dreamtime...
Where you move, flip, fly and explore as you choose...
Where you receive million dollar business ideas...
Where you connect with friends and family ANYWHERE in the world...
Where you meet the "Soul Partner" of your dreams... in your dreams.
As Melanie says...
The more you expand in your dreamtime...
The more you expand in reality.
The Dream Yoga Activation System includes the "Dream Yoga Made Easy" guidebook.
Inside, are my most empowering dream discoveries, plus...
A reference guide with the meaning of events you experience in dreams.
Next is...
Overnight Hypnotic Healer Series.
Every Moonlight Manifestation sound journey harnesses uniquely tailored hypnotic language...
Words and phrases designed to perfectly communicate with the subconscious mind.
Inside this 6-part Sound Journey series, you'll discover how to speak this "Language of the subconscious."
You can then use your mastery for healing yourself... friends & family...
OR offer these "Subconscious programming sessions" as an extra income source.
Once others SEE your transformation...
They're going to be chasing after you... wanting to know how you did it.
Many practitioners charge upwards of $250.00 for an hourly session. See 1 client per day and that's an extra $1,750.00 per week.
Overnight Health Series
During sleep, your body is hard at work...
Renewing... revitalizing... repairing.
This series helps you...
Awaken your body's natural ability to HEAL during sleep...
Reveal the ROOT cause behind health issues...
Clear stress patterns...
Melt away unwanted weight...
Altogether... it's like you're now receiving
6 sound journeying programs
for the price of just 1... Easily a
$1,000.00 value for only 5-5-5...
$1,000.00 $222.00$37.
So, if you're feeling the call deep inside...
If your intuition is saying YES...
I encourage you to listen to that voice.
Now... I have to admit...
Moonlight Manifestation is NOT for everyone.
Over many years, I've found many people hold a deep sense of unworthiness.
And when it comes to spending money on themselves...
On the future they want to manifest...
They have what I call a "financial set point."
An amount they feel "worthy" spending on themselves.
And the bottom-line is... if you don't feel deserving enough...
If you haven't had that self-love "aha moment" like Jess...
No amount of savings--even $950.00 worth--will make a dime's worth of difference.
I get it. I was once in that place too.
BUT... I've found something amazing happens when you make the switch...
When you decide YES! I am worthy...
YES! I am deserving
The Universe
aligns with your new self-image.
Suddenly... a world of infinite abundance opens to you.
So... tune-in right now.
You have the guiding voice within you.
Listen to that voice.
I invite you to open the doors to the life you deserve.
And YES... you REALLY do deserve it.
When you join us today...
You're IMMEDIATELY receiving the 2 main sound journey's, Abundance Rising and The Divine Block Dissolver...
Along with all 6 complete series... enough to explore for months.
Along with all 6 complete series... enough to explore for months.
In fact, I'm certain...
Over the next year, you're going to experience the greatest personal expansion of your entire life.
PLUS, I've got one more bonus for you...
Now you can listen to your Sound Journey's anytime, anywhere.
I'm including the Moonlight Manifestation "Sweet Dreams" listening app FREE.
Inside, it has EVERYTHING you see on your screen now.
Just click below to let yourself be instantly whisked away to the life of your dreams.
Today's Limited Time 83% off Sale Price Only: $1,000.00 $222.00$37
The Sweet Dreams App is a $120.00 yearly value...
Bringing the package value to over $1,120.00!
And, that's not all.
As a new member to our tribe of nighttime wayshowers, your decision to join is 100% protected with my...
Moonlight Manifestation Risk-Free Guarantee
Simply hit "play" tonight on your Abundance Rising soundscape. Let it help you seal-in the income you want to manifest.
Then, allow the vibrational layering to carry you away into the most restful sleep of your life.
During the 2 A.M. Moonlight Window... your "Magic Number" is synched into your subconscious.
My promise to you is when you wake-up, you'll spring out of bed feeling like a brand new person...
All the doubts have faded away... obstacles gone... you feel happier, like you're on the right track...
For the first time in maybe a long time.
Keep listening with The Divine Block Dissolver Sound Journey...
And watch as your new income snowballs into your life...
All the work is done for you in your sleep.
Moonlight Manifestation MUST be as quick, easy, and simple as I've promised...
Or I INSIST you write me for a full, no questions asked refund of every cent.
You have a full 60-days to put Moonlight Manifestation to the test.
This means your decision to try the program tonight is 100% risk-free.
I invite you to feel for the "BIG YES" from your intuition.
Then, tap the button below this page to be welcomed into the member's area.
When you join us today...
You're receiving the special half-off sale price.
Just be sure you hurry...
This discount is only for a limited time...
To help people get back on their feet.
So, if you're feeling your heart pull you in...
Don't wait. Take the next step.
Now is the time to make sure you receive the absolute lowest price.
Tap the button below to get started.
Experience Moonlight Manifestation Tonight...
When you join us now, you’re receiving...
The Income Manifestation Series...
The Unstoppable Motivation Series...
The Unlock Your Quantum Magic Series...
The Dream Yoga Activation System...
Overnight Hypnotic Healer Series...
The Overnight Health Series...
The Sweet Dreams Listening App...
My 100% risk-free 60-day money back guarantee...
Today's Limited Time 83% off Sale Price Only: $1,000.00 $222.00
Right now...
We're in the midst of a MASS AWAKENING.
Earth's frequencies are speeding up faster than ever before...
Shining light on darkness...
Raising the collective vibration...
Collapsing old control systems...
And now... we've reached a critical tipping point.
There's no more sitting on the sidelines.
We all must make a choice...
Flow With Mother Earth's Changing Tide... And THRIVE....Or Let YourselfBe Pulled Under! Right now...
It's no mistake you've arrived on this page today.
Your soul called you here because you're ready to ride the wave.
Already faster earth frequencies have made manifestation EASIER... FASTER... MORE POWERFUL...
And Moonlight Manifestation is your key to THRIVE in this new reality...
To HARNESS this new high-vibe energy.
While many are struggling with this massive change...
You're going to be among the first to effortlessly ride the wave...
To manifest your dream life... while you dream.
All of the work is DONE FOR YOU.
Your limiting beliefs...
Your old story lines of lack and scarcity...
Your vision of what you're capable of...
Will transform in the easiest way possible... in your sleep!
This will work for you.
It's designed to work for ANYBODY.
Just like it worked for Jess when she was at her lowest.
So... reach out your hand...
And grab onto mine.
Let's go on this adventure together.
Your soul led you here.
Now, it's up to you to take the next step.
Awaken while you sleep with Moonlight Manifestation!
I'm so honored to be your wayshower.
You're going to be among the very first wave...
To harness the new faster earth frequencies to manifest your dream life...
Quicker and easier than ever before.
Your fairytale happy ending is waiting.
Simply follow my lead and let's get started together, hand-in-hand!
Experience Moonlight Manifestation Tonight...
When you join us now, you’re receiving...
The Income Manifestation Series...
The Unstoppable Motivation Series...
The Unlock Your Quantum Magic Series...
The Dream Yoga Activation System...
Overnight Hypnotic Healer Series...
The Overnight Health Series...
The Sweet Dreams Listening App...
My 100% risk-free 60-day money back guarantee...
Today's Limited Time 83% off Sale Price Only: $1,000.00 $222.00
Sleep is SO very important to manifesting your desires.
It raises your vibration...
Heals and regenerates your body and mind...
Inspires new ideas to guide your life...
And when you tap into the 2 A.M. Moonlight Manifestation Window...
With Vibrational Layer sound journeying...
You're able to automatically rewrite your life's old story...
Into the Fairytale happy ending of your dreams!
I invite you to harness the power of sleep like never before.
Tap the button below to join us!
When you stay stuck...
You resist the flow of the Universe...
It's like there's always an event that arrives to shake you out of it.
For Jess... it was her career.
When she didn't adjust subconscious beliefs about saying "no"...
She was fired, unable to pay her bills.
For me... I've had a very similar experience.
At one point, I was even homeless... sleeping on friends' couches...
For other students of mine, it's been a nasty break-up... a bankruptcy... or sickness.
When you doggedly stay in your comfort zone...
When you refuse to grow...
The Universe finds a way to get you to expand.
Well, right now... we've been experiencing this on a global level.
The Universe is trying to wake us up
Millions are going through a major shift in the career...
How they earn a living...
How they move through this world...
If that's you on any level...
Moonlight Manifestation is here to help make everything so easy.
I created this program to help others not just survive during this shake-up...
But THRIVE like never before!
With Moonlight Manifestation lighting the way...
You're going to be on the forefront of this global transition...
You're going to be wayshower...
Leading the way as we move into this new high-vibration earth.
Follow your intuition.
Follow the path you came here to experience.
I invite you to tap on the button below to get started.
Remember... it's 100% risk-free for 60 days.
Experience Moonlight Manifestation Tonight...
When you join us now, you’re receiving...
The Income Manifestation Series...
The Unstoppable Motivation Series...
The Unlock Your Quantum Magic Series...
The Dream Yoga Activation System...
Overnight Hypnotic Healer Series...
The Overnight Health Series...
The Sweet Dreams Listening App...
My 100% risk-free 60-day money back guarantee...
Today's Limited Time 83% off Sale Price Only: $1,000.00 $222.00
Have a question about Moonlight Manifestation?
I’m here to help.
Let me answer some of the common questions I receive...
question #1:
How fast will I see results?
Short answer... you’ ll notice shifts literally overnight.
By tapping into the Moonlight Manifestation Window..
It’s like you’re experiencing months, years, even DECADES of transformation...
In one night.
During your sleep, the conscious or “Ego mind” flips off...
And the window into your subconscious mind spirals wide-open.
No more interference. No more “inner critic.”
Vibrational Layering CLEARS unwanted blockages that have been holding you back...
Things like negative emotions... fear, anxiety, worry...
And all of your manifestation blocks.
You’ll TRUST the Universe more deeply...
You’ll let go of attachments and expectations...
You’ll finally set your manifestations into motion with NOTHING holding you back.
Then... once the blocks are gone--all your positive intentions for your life are “scripted” into your subconscious mind.
Imagine... transforming what might have taken you 10 years to shift with personal growth methods...
I invite you to take advantage of the Moonlight Manifestation Window starting tonight.
Simply tap the button below to join us.
question #2:
I’ve struggled with manifestation in the past... will this really work for me?
The Moonlight Manifestation program allows you to tap into the powerful 2 A.M. manifestation portal...
A magical time when your Ego is turned off... and your subconscious is wide-open.
Many spend decades with meditation to reach the state.
Others fly off to the Amazon Jungle for a brief glimpse of this experience... using sacred plant medicines.
Now though... you can reach this altered transformation state every single night.
It’s safe... it’s fun... and it’s extremely FAST.
Anybody can do this.
Whenever I share it with others, they always experience phenomenal results.
While other programs work with the conscious mind turned on...
They always run into resistance.
With Moonlight Manifestation... all the resistance is gone.
All the obstacles that have held you back in the past disappear.
You’re by-passing the thinking mind.
That’s how I know with 100% confidence Moonlight Manifestation WILL work for you like it has for so many others.
question #3:
I’ve been laid off during the global crisis... or I’ve had it with my existing job. Will Moonlight Manifestation
help me manifest a new, higher paying career or income streams?
YES... absolutely.
When the global crisis hit and millions were either laid off, had their hours cut, or were forced to go to a job they hated...
I decided to switch gears.
I re-designed the program to focus on helping people BOUNCE BACK even BETTER than before.
The main two tracks... “Abundance Rising” and “The Divine Block Dissolver” are all you need to blast past your old financial set
And start manifesting more income into your life.
Plus, you’re also receiving DOZENS more sound journey’s that help you expand and grow your income even more.
Maybe the most powerful is the “Soul’s True Purpose Akashic Journey.”
Just listen before bed or as you’re going to sleep...
And you’ll harness the Moonlight Manifestation Window to tap into your soul’s wisdom to discover...
Your MISSION or PURPOSE for why you incarnated here on earth.
When I used this method for the first time, it was a HUGE eye-opener. It changed the course of my entire life.
It’s what led me here today.
I have no doubt you’ll have the same kind of realization about your life’s purpose too.
Simply tap below to be whisked away into the members area.
You can experience it all starting tonight!
And remember... it’s 100% risk-free for 60-days with my money-back guarantee.
So, you have a full two months to give all of the Sound Journey’s a try!
question #4:
How frequently do I need to listen to the Sound Journey’s?
The two main income manifesting Sound Journey’s... Abundance Rising and The Divine Block Dissolver will work on your very first
So, you’ll start seeing and feeling results RIGHT AWAY.
The Abundance Rising track is where you’ll set your “magic number”... the dream income you want to manifest.
Listen once your first night.
Then, listen to The Divine Block Dissolver nightly for your first month.
Each night you’ll clear all blocks in the way of manifesting your magic number, one-by-one.
Each of the other Sound Journey’s are optional based on what you feel drawn to.
Because all of the Sound Journey’s use Vibrational Layering technology, you’ll receive BIG transformation... overnight.
What would have normally taken you 10 years to shift... transforms in hours!
I’m so excited to have you with us. I invite you to tap the button below.
When you get started, I’m also including a quick-start guide.
It’s chock-full of tips and tricks to get the most from Moonlight Manifestation.
You really can experience your first big shift starting tonight.
Jump-in 100% risk-free for 60-days.
This is going to be a LOT of fun!
Experience Moonlight Manifestation Tonight...
When you join us now, you’re receiving...
The Income Manifestation Series...
The Unstoppable Motivation Series...
The Unlock Your Quantum Magic Series...
The Dream Yoga Activation System...
Overnight Hypnotic Healer Series...
The Overnight Health Series...
The Sweet Dreams Listening App...
My 100% risk-free 60-day money back guarantee...
Today's Limited Time 83% off Sale Price Only: $1,000.00 $222.00
Moonlight Manifestation Can Transform Your Income & Your Life, While You Sleep...